This Latin-German dictionary, specially developed for use in class work and exams, contains over 35,000 entries and expressions. The operation is deliberately kept simple so that you can look up unknown vocabulary quickly and reliably.When using the app for the first time, an internet connection is required so that the app can download the current dictionary files from our server. All vocabulary is then saved in the app so that it can be used offline - i.e. without an internet connection.The vocabulary contained is provided with the vowel lengths that are indispensable for pronunciation.Navigium Pro Clausura is based on the Dr. phil. Karl Niederau and Philipp Niederau continuously developed and widely used learning software "Navigium". The scope corresponds to that of the well-known online dictionary instructions:* This app does not allow searching for inflected forms and does not contain any declination or conjugation tables, as otherwise it would not be allowed to be used in class work and exams* Whether you are actually allowed to use this app in a class test or an exam depends on the decision of your school about permitted aids